Kevin Bacon on the 80's !

99Rock EXTRA:  Kevin Bacon Explains The ’80s To Millenials

“Two-time Saturn Award nominee” Kevin Bacon has a few words for Millenials, or those of us born after 1985.

“Awareness of 80s culture and technology has been in a significant decline, especially amongst a certain demographic,” he says in the opening of the video.

Bacon explains times of asking girls out by using the white pages, calling her, making small talk with hermom , and not being able to “swipe away the hurt” if you get rejected.

Bacon’s favorite app? A Rubik’s Cube. And if you think Russia is a threat now, he reminds you of a little thing called The Cold War… where “they had nukes pointing at us for 20 years. You couldn’t even skateboard to a Blockbuster without getting nuked.”

RIP to Kevin’s friend, Tommy, who went out to rent a copy of Gremlins and never came back.